Since 1944, Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida has provided a safe and nurturing Club experience for the children in our community who need it most. Every day after school and all summer long, children come to our 35 Central Florida Clubs to receive the academic support, extracurricular opportunities and the positive adult role models that need to become responsible, caring adults. Last year, we served more than 16,000 Central Florida children.
·We’re reaching the “hardest to serve” children in our region:the neighborhoods where our Clubs are located are those where poverty is the most deeply entrenched, and where people are the least economically mobile. On average, our Club neighborhoods rank at the 9thpercentile for household income and the 82ndpercentile for incarceration rates.
·Still, We Rise:In spite of these formidable socio-demographic challenges, our children are coming out on top. Again last year, 100% of our high school seniors graduated, and 88% are going on to post-secondary education or the military. 96% of our children were promoted to the next grade level, and 86% maintained or improved their GPAs over the school year. Our programs are working!
·An investment in Boys & Girls Clubs is an investment in the community’s future: every $1 invested in a Boys & Girls Club yields a socioeconomic payout of $17.81 in positive economic impact in the community, measured by the value of parents being able to work, children staying in school, and pregnancies and jail time avoided.
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