The Finish Line With Jerry O'Neill And The Shot Doctor

The Finish Line With Jerry O'Neill And The Shot Doctor

The Finish Line with Jerry O'Neill and The Shot Doctor! Get the inside scoop on the latest sports news Monday-Friday starting at 3, prepare yourself...Full Bio


Kravitz Has Figured Out Our Lavar Ball Obsession

I finally see it. I don’t know what took me so long, it was staring me right in the face. The reason Lavar Ball is grabbing the headlines everyday, whether he’s saying something outlandish, mildly racist, or demeaning to Colin Cowherd’s co-workers…the reason is simple. 

We’re bored. 

We as sports fans/media have been lulled to sleep by the sports landscape that currently sits in front of us. The NBA Playoffs are a non-contest, football season is long gone, Johnny Manziel is on the straight and narrow, Ottawa and Nashville are dominating the NHL postseason, and baseball is too busy policing itself to grab a headline that lasts longer than a day. 

Again, we’re bored. We’re so bored that we’re allowing this Looney Tune character to run amok on our sports websites, radio, and TV shows. This is why it drives me up the wall when people call Lavar Ball a genius. There’s a pretty substantial difference between genius and loudest guy in the room. Mr. Ball is the latter. Now don’t get me wrong, he very well could windup making his family very rich, but please, never mistake rich for genius. Lavar Ball’s relevancy has a short shelf life, this flame is burning too bright and quick to last. His rise to fame reminds me too much of the Spice Girls, Snap bracelets, and the Jersey Shore. Ball will make a few bucks, grab a couple more headlines, and then he’ll be gone quicker than a slice of pie sitting in front of Eddie Lacy. 

Back to my point..

For all of you (and I include myself in this) who are sick and tired of turning on the radio and hearing about the latest Lavar Ball drama, just remember…

Football season is 111 days away. 

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