Magic rookie Jonathan Isaac admitted at a local church that he invited several (if not all) of his Orlando Magic teammates to watch him preach. He said it took him several minutes of talking himself into sending the text at all, out of fear of embarrassment or judgement from his league mates. Finally, Isaac found the courage, and sent the message. It is unknown what messages he received back, but what we do know is, NONE of the players showed up.
The new information that's been brought to our attention is that, Isaac apparently sent the message at around 1am, and the sermon was to start fairly early in the morning. Maybe the players already had plans, maybe they slept through it, who knows...
What we do know is this, this Magic team has only won 13 games. So, everything they do is under a microscope. On or off the court, we judge every conceivable wrong move, or misstep, as a reason for why they're as bad as they are. This story can't help with the perception that this team has no camaraderie, no cohesion, or that they flat-out don't like each other. Maybe we made to much of it yesterday, or maybe we got the story just right...
What do you make of the story?