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Look at the man, he just looks sad. He looks defeated, like he knows he's sinking, and there's no life-vest or nearby boat to save him. Ya almost feel bad for the guy. Well, as bad as you can feel for a guy coaching at the highest level, while making 5.5 million dollars a year.
Frank's Magic team is sinking, tanking even, and going nowhere - fast. At 12-30, they're losers of 6-straight, 9 of their last 10, or better yet - 26 of their last 30. Ouch. Everyday, HC Frank Vogel goes home or to his hotel room and ponders what he can do differently to make this team better, and nothing seems to work. Now, part of that is injury, part of that is youth and inexperience, and a large part of it is that losing breeds more losing in a long NBA season. But, whether he deserves it or not, when you are the coach of a team that loses this many games, your job will be under scrutiny.
Josh Robbins pointed out in his Orlando Sentinel article, Vogel is caught in a catch-22: "This is the quintessential Catch-22 that all cellar-dwelling NBA teams face. If they win games, they build winning habits but reduce their chances in the lottery and erode their chances of acquiring a franchise-changing talent in the draft. If they lose games, they enhance their lottery chances but run the risk of stunting the development of the players they already have."
The new management team of Hammond & Weltman are going to have a decision to make at the end of the year, the question is, should they give Frank a pass?