Mike Bianchi's Open Mike

Mike Bianchi's Open Mike

Host Mike Bianchi wakes up every morning with the intention of bringing you, the listener, the most informative and entertaining radio showFull Bio


Daily Poll: Why do UCF fans hate USF?

Just as the tryptophan starts to wear off, you've eaten your 3rd round of Thanksgiving left overs, and battled through the lines @ Best Buy - it'll be time for UCF to take on their most bitter rival, The Bulls of USF. 

It seems natural for a rivalry to form between two schools so close in proximity, just a 2 hour drive down I-4. But doesn't it seem like there is some real/genuine hate coming from UCF fans? Maybe the heat feels hotter than usual because of what's at stake, USF stands in the way of a conference title and a NY6 Bowl bid. 

Or, maybe the fans just hate USF no matter the reason. 

It's great that UCF has a natural rival, but on the field UCF still has some catching up to do. USF has defeated UCF 6 of the 8 times the two schools have played. USF has put up 48 and 44 on UCF in their last 2 contests, and some say USF was running up the score in the 2016 showdown in Tampa. Maybe that's where the hate comes from...

UCF & USF face-off for the 9th time on Friday @ 3:30pm, but before we get to that game, we need you to answer this all-important question: 


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