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Please excuse our narrow minded or football-helmet head view on this...but this is a sports station after all. Just like you, we love us some football. Yet, doesn't it seem like the excitement for this season has already been damped like a wet rag?
UCF has had to cancel two games on their schedule, bringing their season total now to 10. How do you assess a season for a program that's still growing/rebuilding on 10 games? Especially when you have a 3 week gap in between games. FSU had to move around their schedule while cancelling a game in the process, the same goes for the University of Florida, USF, and Miami.
In the pros, the Jags somehow remain unscathed, but the Bucs and the Dolphins will have to play 16 games straight of a grueling NFL schedule. The Bucs and Dolphins had real aspirations to go to the playoffs, but will the teams have anything left if they get there? It's a fair question to ask.
Of course, there are more important things in life, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a question and one worth asking...
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