In The Zone

In The Zone

In the Zone with Brandon Kravitz weekdays from 3-6pm on FM 96.9 The Game - Catch up with the best segments, interviews, and features from that day’s show.


Can the NFL Maintain Their High This Week??

The NFL has been RIDING HIGH with drama, suspense, and excitement so far this season, but week 8... Week 8 does not look like the happy fun time we've gotten used to this season. With a couple teams flirting with pretender status (ahem Bears, 49ers, Browns) the matchups aren't looking as juicy. Honestly, the only game that looks like it's going to be interesting is the Ravens v. Steelers game which is a 1pm start.

But, we have to remember... we were nearly glued to the Giants v. Eagles game, and the Browns v. Bengals game. So it's super possible that we get surprised like we were last week.

We were even on the edge of our seats watching the Falcons... again!

But if I were you, I'd pour the drinks early and heavy. Enjoy that 1pm kickoff, then root for "sports" the rest of the night!

Let's see if the NFL makes me eat these words! #GoSports

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