Through out WWE's most recent string of terrible shows, there's been one bright spot.
Every NXT Takeover has been better than it's WWE PPV counterpart for years now, and the reason why fans love the "minor league" brand is because the focus is on wrestling. It feels fresh and new, while the WWE product has felt stale for months, maybe even years. But all this might be changing as NXT will now be a two hour show airing on Wednesdays on the USA Network.
The move has been done as a WWE's way of striking back against AEW who's TNT show will start in October. This may also be a way of playing nice with USA executives who are dissapointed that Smackdown is moving to Fox.
This could be a very good thing for WWE but many think this could be bad for NXT as it could turn into a similar product as RAW and Smackdown. Only time will tell.