Sammy Watkins thinks he's an alien.
That's just the tip of the iceberg.
In an interview done with Bleacher Report's Tyler Dunne got the opportunity to have an in depth conversation with a man that has lived a lot of life, done a lot of things, and has questioned the universe in a way that not many have. In this interview, Watkins admits to believing in demons, aliens, the ability to manifest reality, and so much more.
Here's a snippet from the article.
He felt it worst three years ago when he researched religious stories of the beginning of mankind and took it too far. There was Adam, OK. Eve, got it. But the serpent? No, the serpent was not just some snake. All the things we think are good…aren't good. All of the things we think are bad…aren't bad. God could be Satan, Watkins explains. Jesus could be Lucifer. Watkins started to feel a dragon-like, snake-like presence around him, and then, when he went for a drive, he saw something that petrifies him to this day.
Read the whole thing here. You won't be disappointed.