If the Ric Bucher trade rumor is true, and Rob Hennigan declined a trade that had Vuc and Fournier going to the Kings for Boogie Cousins, he and the Magic screwed up. Simple fact, you get superstars when you can. Cousins is troubled and blah blah blah, that's your job to contain and fix that issue. He's the best offensive big man in the NBA and more importantly, he's 5 times the player of anyone on the current Magic roster. Worried he wouldn't stay? A confident organization would come up with a plan to avoid that. Superstars don't grow on trees, and the Magic aren't exactly planting their own any time soon.
Here's a fun fact for ya though: Did you know, Rob Hennigan has made 18 trades since taking over as the Magic GM in 2012?! Now, very few of them have actually been good trades, but 18...wow. At least he's active. #MagicNation
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