Marc Daniels: Quick, Name Three People Named Ray

Denver Broncos v Baltimore Ravens

Ok, here's the deal. We are giving away tickets to see the Tampa Bay Rays take on the Kansas City Royals. Years ago, my brother and I played a game where one just shouted out a name and the other had 30 seconds to come with as many people in sports with that first name. When you are growing up and learning sports, it was pretty fun. The fact my brother had a seven year head start on me, being the older brother, he usually had more names than I did.

So let's play the game. By now, you saw the headline and likely have thought of at least one and maybe three people named Ray. The exercise is more fun when you ask a few different people to rattle off names and see who gets mentioned the most.

With that said, here are the top 20 people named Ray:

1. Ray Charles

2. Ray Romano

3. Sugar Ray Leonard (yes, that counts)

4. Ray Bradbury

5. Ray Liotta

6. Ray Lewis

7. Ray Nitschke

8. Ray Rice

9. Raymond Burr

10. Ray Allen

11. Raymond Borque

12. Ray Guy

13. Ray "Boom Boom: Mancini (uh oh, I"m on a sports roll)

14. Ray Stevens

15. Raymond Berry

16. Ray Fosse

17. Ray Parker Jr. (Ghostbusters...the song)

18. Ray Manzarek

19. Ray Childress

20. Rey Mysterio

Cheesy list? Of course. But admit it, you played the game and right now have likely thought about a few other people named Knight, Felton and J.

Final thought: Cows do not see the color red

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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