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This is a question we've probably asked a hundred times to our audience, but what's interesting, is that the answer is ever-changing. One thing I'm (Kravitz) starting to notice as a Central Floridian, is that the moniker of "most popular in Orlando" is one that is up for grabs on an annual basis with our in-state NFL teams. In fact...
Before the season started we put a survey out on 96.9TheGame.com that asked a variety of questions, in an effort to get to know our audience better. One of those questions was: Which team do you like hearing about the most on our station? Here were the results:
39% said OTHER: Giants, Pats, Packers, Steelers, etc..
30% said the Bucs.
16% said the Dolphins.
15% said the Jaguars.
I wonder, with the recent success of the Jags, their trip to this weekend's AFC Title game, just how much that number will change. Remember, they were dead last only months ago. Has fickle Orlando changed it's mind already? Only one way to find out...