Mike Bianchi's Open Mike

Mike Bianchi's Open Mike

Host Mike Bianchi wakes up every morning with the intention of bringing you, the listener, the most informative and entertaining radio showFull Bio


Daily Poll: After this weekend's events, how do you feel as a UCF fan?

I'll just speak for myself (Kravitz) for a moment, and not in an effort to sway your vote, but just to get it off my chest...

I am disgusted at how Scott Frost left this program. For months and months we were sold on this idea, from the mouth of the Noble Man Scott Frost, that his head was down and he wasn't even considering his options until after this magical season comes to a close. Well, that was bull-sh*t. A big ole pile of it. And how do I know that? Because the official report of his departure came DURING the AAC title game. That means he and his agent were negotiating his departure from UCF well before the news came out, obviously. 

So much for keeping your head down. 

Look, this isn't the first time a coach has bold-faced lied to fans, media, and staff - and it won't be the last. It just pains me, because me, Bianchi, and others that Frost worked with believed he was a "different kinda cat". Well he's not, he's just like the rest of the "cats" that jump at the next best opportunity at the expense of his players. 

You can probably guess where I'm voting - More on this from 6-9am. 


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