I May Never Look at Stadiums the Same Again!

It was everything you want in a sporting experience, minus one little piece. But for me, I personally believe the one part that's missing can be developed. I recently went to my first COVID sporting experience. It was the Chiefs v. Bucs game at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa. I made sure not to expect too much as I made my way to the stadium. I had heard all about the social distancing and the capped attendance and had determined that I was not going to make u pmy mind about anything until I got the chance to see it for myself.

I'm so so so glad I did.

I was blown away at what a phenomenal experience it was. Kudos to everyone at Raymond James and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for doing everything they have to make the NFL experience pleasurable, exciting, and above all else... SAFE!

Now I'm not sure how much of this is sustainable, because the thing that seemed to make everything to wonderful for me was that, there were far less people in the stadium. And of course this is NOT what the Bucs ultimately want.

But from the drive up to the stadium, which was seamless and easy. To finding my parking spot, which took me LESS THAN 12 MINUTES. Everything was just EASY to fall into. They made it to where you almost forgot we were in a pandemic and it just felt as though you were at a great, great game.

And I'm no rookie, I've been to plenty of stadiums, including this one, and plenty of games. And THIS was well above my expectations.

When it was time to find my seat, the Bucs had staff all around ensuring that everyone wore their mask during the entire time they were at the stadium. Employees walked around with signs as reminders, and if you happened to have you mask down just because, someone would walk up and politely ask you to please "raise your mask" to ensure the safety of those around you.

THIS was highly welcomed as one of my main COVID concerns was that too many people would disregard the mask wearing instructions and it would cause it to be an uncomfortable experience.

Once I arrived at my seat, the social distancing was in full effect. Seats were zip tied together so that nobody could just decide to sit wherever they wanted. Two seats open together, then 4 seats zip-tied closed, with the same in the row in front and behind you.

When it was time to grab a bite and a drink, the signage was easy to read, the lines were SHORT and the process was simple. I even reached into my pocket to hand the cashier some cash... nope they are only accepting cards, no cash! A minor inconvenience, but it made me feel even more safe about being where I was.

Need ketchup for your fries, mustard for your dog?? No problem sir, they are already in the box for you.

I'm telling you. It was AWESOME!

Oh and did I mention because there were fewer people in the stadium, there were NO LINES to take a leak? It was AWESOME!!! (wait I said that already - LOL)

The only thing that was slightly missing was the party atmosphere. It still felt like a party, but because there were fewer in attendance, it was a smaller party. But that I think they can develop with some creative thinking and innovative measures (if you need help Bucs, hit me up my consulting company can help you innovate)

I advise as many of you as possible get to an NFL game during COVID. I know, I would be the LAST person you'd expect to say something like this, but DO IT!! You are going to be spoiled from the experience and like me, you may never look at stadiums the same again.

Kudo to the Tampa Pay Buccaneers, you all rocked this out!

#GoRavens (LOL - you know I had to)

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