The Best NFL Draft EVER? Jamie Seh and Mike Bianchi Weigh In

Last night's NFL Draft was not the return to normalcy we thought we wanted. It didn't have screaming fans or the pageantry that comes with an event of this magnitude. Turns out that normalcy wasn't what we needed.

What we got last night was a sense of community we have been without. Watching Roger Goodell announce picks from his home gave us a sense of we're in this together. Seeing players celebrating with their families humanized these helmet heads in a sincere way. Having coaches and GM's kids run around the background helped us normal people to realize that these millionaires were dealing with the same global pandemic we all are.

It wasn't stunning, but the draft was perfect for the day. Let's hope we never have another one like it.

We brought on Jamie Seh to talk about the NFL Draft and all that went with it. Listen to her reactions in the podcast below.

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