Tim Tebow Says It's Time to Put Urban Meyer in the Ring of Honor

Tim Tebow won two national championships at Florida when Urban Meyer was the head coach. The relationship between Meyer and the Gators went sideways in 2010 when he stepped down as the head coach, citing health reasons and wanting to spend more time with his family. In 2012, Meyer was on the sidelines coaching at Ohio State.

Florida has not been the same since Meyer left and Florida fans have not been happy with Meyer.

Tim Tebow thinks it's time for Gators fans to embrace Meyer again the way they did when he was at Florida, "We can look at it and say 'yeah he left for anther school', or we can say, 'he was only there a few years but he gave Florida two national championships and that's pretty cool too.'"

Tim Tebow hit on a few different topics during his time with Bianchi and you can listen to the full interview below.

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