Any Importance in the Summer League?

Load management is becoming more and more common in today's NBA. Last year we saw Kawhi Leonard sit over 20 games to make sure he was healthy for the playoffs. Gregg Popovich was also a coach who would sit his older players during the regular season to try and keep them fresh for a playoff run.

Stan Van Gundy talked about how load management is now showing its face in the Summer League, "Load management has even gone to the summer now. We don't want guys to go out in the summer and play." Will we continue to have a Summer League for these young players to try and showcase their skills if they are sitting out? Time will tell.

A big part of the Summer League has been what will happen with Tacko Fall. Will he end up on a roster, if he doesn't make it with the Celtics. Stan seems to think he will have a chance to make it, "I think he's goint o get opportunities, I don't think there's any doubt about that."

Here's the rest of Stan Van Gundy's interview.

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